De "Man of Action" Story

Written by Les Reed - Copyright: Les Reed
Firstly, I would like to say how delighted and, indeed, privileged I have been since 1970 to be part of one of the greatest parts of radio history ever, and in particular, my favourite pirate radio station, Radio Northsea International.
For me, it is a revelation to know that, even after all of these years, fans of the station still gather to honour this wonderful event in memory of a great institution. I only wish that I could be with you on this special day.
In 1968, after recording big orchestras for many years, for Phillips and Decca Records, I decided to form The Les Reed Combo. I needed a contemporary and commercial sound and, for the very first recording of the new Combo, I wrote "Man of Action". In November 1968, at Lansdowne Studios in Holland Park, London, the Combo recorded three Les Reed titles including "Spanish Armada"; "Madrid" and, of course, "Man of Action".
Some of the Musicians on this session included Jimmy Page and Vic Flick on guitars; Bobby Graham on drums; Eric Ford on 'click' bass guitar and Don Lusher on lead trombone. Our lead trumpet that day was the very famous trumpeter, Kenny Baker. Apart from scoring the arrangements and writing the songs, I played 'jangle' piano. The engineer that day was Adrian Kerridge, who was responsible for all of the Dave Clark Five recordings.
These tracks were recorded in 'Mono – Compatible Stereo', for ultimate sound quality and there is not a perfect stereo recording available.
The recordings were vested with the Francis, Day and Hunter music library, and were sent around to film and TV companies, as well as radio stations for future use as jingles or background music.

My sincere thanks to everybody concerned with this wonderful station, for all of the joy and pleasure they have provided to their fans over the years.
I am indeed honoured to be a part of this wonderful story.
Thank you.
Les Reed OBE, FCL (London)
24th September 2010.
The "Man of Action Story" is written and copyright protected by Les Reed.
Picture 1: Les Reed, november 2010 (Copyright: Les Reed)
Picture 2: Les Reed in the 70's (Copyright: Les Reed)
With many thanks to Peter Ford for sending us the "Man of Action Story" and the photo's of Les Reed
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