Ronan O'Rahilly overleden
‘We are deeply sorry to announce the death of our Founder Ronan O'Rahilly’, schreef het Radio Caroline team gisteren op haar website. Ronan O’Rahilly overleed maandag 20 april om 15 uur op 79-jarige leeftijd aan de gevolgen van slikpneumonia in het bijzijn van zijn vriendin Ines. Ronan leed sinds 2013 ook aan dementie. Ronan O’Rahilly was in 1964 de oprichter en eigenaar van de zeezender Radio Caroline, dat met tussenpozen duurde t/m 5 november 1991. Sinds december 2017 zendt Radio Caroline, met een officiële vergunning, uit via 648AM.
Radio Caroline (648AM) zendt sinds maandagmiddag speciale programma’s uit om Ronan O’Rahilly te herdenken. Het herdenkingsprogramma van Peter Philips is terug te luisteren via de website van Radio Caroline.
Peter Moore: “A clever man, sometimes verging on genius. Eccentric of course, sometimes unscrupulous, but suddenly kind and warm hearted. A rogue maybe, but a charismatic and loveable rogue. He will be missed”.
Tony Prince: “I’m just in shock, we’ve lost a very important man on the planet. God bless you Ronan and thank you so much for what you did”.
Edwin Bollier: “A true radio pioneer made his peace with the world, said goodbye and left gently. RIP. Thanks for the great cooperation during the fight for offshore and free radio”.
Tony Blackburn: “So sorry to hear that Radio Caroline founder Ronan O’Rahilly has passed away, I owe everything I now have to the start that Radio Caroline gave me R.I.P. Ronan”.
Johnnie Walker: “Farewell to Radio Caroline founder Ronan O’Rahilly, The man who made the impossible possible and changed radio forever. Thanks Ronan for the incredible experience of being a Caroline deejay and to challenge the Government in 1967. You were an amazing man”.
Fred Bolland: “Very sad to hear that Ronan has passed away. I have very good memories of our collaboration in Radio. From the Mi-Amigo and the Ross Revenge. Without him all this wasn't possible. Many hours I talked with him on the phone. I had pleasant meetings at his home in London. RIP. My friend’.
Marjo Marcus & Leendert Vingerling: “Very sad news indeed! You changed the face of radio and you influenced Leendert’s and my life for a while. You were a charming man and I could never stay angry with you for very long. What is important is that in the end we are left with very good memories.
R.I.P. Ronan”.
Paul Rusling: “A very sad day as the man who revolutionised radio in the UK, Ronan ORahilly, passed away just after 2pm this afternoon, just a month short of his 80th birthday. His partner told me that it was a peaceful passing, he wasn't in any pain at all. He gave me my break into radio and helped me many times since when I was ‘in competition.’ A true friend.
RIP Ronan, and thanks for everything”.
Marc Jacobs: “Ronan is no more. The founder of Radio Caroline, Ronan O'Rahilly, changed the European radioscene as well as the musical scene forever. Without him my life would not have been the same. Thanks Ronan for having me onboard your Love Ship”.
Andy Archer: “Thank you for everything Ronan. RIP”.
Meer reacties op het overlijden van Ronan O'Rahilly zijn te lezen op de Facebook pagina van Radio Caroline.
Foto herinneringen op Ronan O'Rahilly In Memoriam
Meer reactie op het overlijden van Ronan O'Rahilly zijn te lezen in het speciale Radio Report van Hans Knot
Ronan O'Rahilly tribute op Pirate Radio Hall of Fame
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